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Saturday, October 21, 2017

How Phish Got Involved

 ***********How Phish Got Involved**********************

The last entry got philosophical - discussing the matter of shaping memory after a traumatic incident, and this discussion is something I believe I can add to within the community of survivors.  That said, the entry didn’t deal with the content of the scene very much - by content, I mean the absurd story about my favorite rock band, Phish- so this entry is going share how the band Phish played a role in my early recovery.

I am part of a dedicated fan base - “Phishheads” as we are called - and while we might gaze on “Bielibers” (fan’s of Justin Bieber) with distain, we do not hesitate to proclaim that we are “going Phishing” when the dates for the next Phish concert tour are announced.  Now, I am a fan of every band member - but every fan has his or her favorite and, as a pianist, my favorite band member is keyboardist Page McConnell..

When my accident occurred, I had already seen 3 Phish performances just one month prior, and had tickets for 1 more performance that would be happening in Philadelphia - but I couldn’t attend this 1 more performance because I was in the hospital…in Philadelphia!  I remember being upset by this, but also recognizing that there was nothing I could do to attend the concert, and this blunt fact staved off any major disappointment - I had resigned myself to my Phish-less fate.

That said, my friends and family were not so quickly quelled and - unbeknownst to be - began a letter writing campaign to the band, asking specifically Page McConnell to get some word to me while I was in the hospital.  It turned out that at least one of these letters made its way through the halls of Phish mailing and reached said keyboardist, and on December 23rd - the day before I was released from the hospital - a large package arrived in the mail.

It was two days before Christmas - was this a present?  Without looking at the return address, I tore open the package and found it stuffed with Phish memorabilia - CDs, a teeshirt, hat, fleece jacket…and tucked in amid this plethora of Phish fan treasures was a hand written note:

Dear Lethan,

So sorry to hear of your accident - pleased to hear of your recovery.  Keep in touch and we’ll get you to a show this summer.

Page McConnell.

To say I was ecstatic is an understatement - my favorite rockstar / celebrity hero had sent me a get well gift!  That is amazing!  How did he even know! - I was later informed about the letter writing campaign, but at the time it was a complete mystery.  To be sure, this action made me a Phish fan for life.

And let us take a moment to give praise to the band and Page McConnell for reaching out.  To be sure, I’m sure it was not a huge burden in time or money for the artist, but it was also not necessary - but it was taking a little bit of time and putting in some extra effort to support a stranger, and that gesture brought enormous joy.  Page did something that we can all do when the moment arises - showed support for someone who needs it.  He did it in a celebrity savvy way available to him, but we can all do small gestures of support - a smile, a helping hand, a bottle of soda - something simple to bring just a bit of joy if we see a person who looks like they need help - it may not have the fandom-shock attached to celebrity, but it can bring honest joy.  Page McConnell took it upon himself to do just a bit more to support a fan - reaching outside of what is considered the norm - and for that he, as well as the entire band and organization of Phish, deserves appreciation.

Now, nearly two decades after that package, I am still a huge fan of the band and anticipate remaining so ad infinitum, but as I’ve reflected upon that package I have come to see that it was not just Page and the Phish organization that did that little bit more to help out - every friend and family member who sent a note or did any gesture to contact Page deserves similar appreciation.  Word got to Page because countless supporters of my recovery took the time to try.  I feel that, in many ways, the plethora of gifts that came from Page also came from every person involved in reaching out.  These gifts came to symbolize the power in community.  Page McConnell and Phish did a grand thing reaching out to a fan, but what the community surrounding my healing did was truly Awesome - contacting Page was only a part of that.

That said, I am still a huge fan and if anyone knows how to contact Page McConnell so I can personally give my thanks…Still hoping to meet Page one day…Any leads on contacting him...?

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