I am seeking artwork for my upcoming book — Who Am I, Now? Reflections on Recovery. This is a request for paintings, drawings, pictures of statues — any visual art on paper — created by Brain Injury survivors. I will select works that capture the tone of chapters in the book.
PLEASE NOTE — This is NOT a contest! I do not have the expertise or desire to “judge” the quality of any work — instead, I will select pieces that I feel best suit the mood of a chapter. If you are seeking themes or inspiration for your work, the early drafts of chapters are available on this blog.
I cannot offer any money for your work, but every submission will be displayed on the blog, and every person who submits any work will be gifted a FREE ebook copy of the published book (I intend it to be released in September/October of 2020). Furthermore, if your work is selected for the book and I am able to arrange a printing, you will also be gifted a FREE hardcopy of the book (with your art in it).
Please contact me if you would like to submit any artwork and I will send the appropriate information, or follow the steps and sign the form below.
Thank you! I look forward to seeing your art!
To submit —
— Email a picture/scan of your artwork to in TIFF format
— Please use the highest pixel quality for the digital file you send
— In your email, include your name, date of injury, type of injury, and current location (city, state, country)
— Send back the form below with a scanned copy of your signature
Permisssion form as PDF file
Permission form as .docx file
I understand that the art I have submitted will be displayed publicly on the blog — — and may be selected for use in the book Who Am I Now? Reflections on Recovery by Lethan Candlish.
This artwork is created by me — I have not stolen any other person’s work or ideas in the work I am sharing.
I give Lethan Candlish permission to use this work — with
my name attached — at his discretion in his book and I will not seek
any moneys for its use.
PLEASE CHECK - _____ I have read and understand the above.
Printed Name:
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