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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Scene 14 - Sarah's Future

****************Scene 14 - Sarah's Future******************

She Knows she can’t walk
can’t write, can’t Read

I know that I cannot Remember yesterday,
but I can keep getting better -
Keep on living
just, L-I-V-I-N
I just need to keep a Positive attitude,
Always looking forward -
Good energy,
because negative energy, it will RUIN you.

I know this because
before my accident, I was in a bad place,

Real depressed.
Hurting myself sometimes.
Listening to a lot of Tori Amos music.

And since the accident, I can’t remember much of anything,
but when I woke up, I remembered Tori’s music,
her words,

Now I have all her CDs so I put one in my Compact Disk player
and I began to sing her song and…

and it was

made me, cry…

and That is not good for me,
so I took that CD and I broke it.
Snapped it right in half.
Then I looked for every Tori CD I could find and I broke them too.

but you know it’s funny.
I can’t,
can’t remember where I was yesterday,
what I ate,
sometimes the names of my children,
but Still I hear Tori’s music and…

But that is not Good for me.


There’s a lot that happens in this scene, all of which deserve to be expanded upon.  For this reason I will break my reflections on this scene into two entries - the first about the importance of positivity, and the second (next posting) about the negativity that can easily follow.

To start - positivity - Sarah making the decision to heal.  Sarah approaches this decision with passion - accepting her condition but insisting on improving it - to paraphrase her thoughts, “I KNOW there is a long way to go, but I WILL assist my healing by keeping a positive attitude.”

Sarah’s commitment to healing is inspiring - and when I was involved with the Crumley House, the resident that inspired Sarah’s character would infect everyone with her insistence on a positive outlook.  She is focused on the Now - on what she can actively do to continue healing, and keeping a positive attitude is her decision to assist the healing process.

Can having a positive attitude improve healing?  According to recent medical research, the answer seems to be “Yes” - this must be qualified with a statement that a positive attitude does not cure diseases, create miracles, or work magic - but according to studies, there has been published proof that a positive attitude helps to reduce blood pressure, increase immune system response, and reduce pain levels. (

Yet even if we discount this new research (as there is legitimate academic dispute about it), Sarah’s decision to keep and positive attitude and “keep L-I-V-I-N” can be interpreted in another manner - she has accepted the new circumstances in her life and realizes that she must adapt to her new life.  This does not necessarily mean biological healing, but can be interpreted as a decision to study, learn about and discovery how to make full use of her new abilities.  In the commentary to Scene 6, we discussed Sarah’s decision that she must make, suggesting that she must decide how will she accept and face her new reality.  This scene is an example of her making the choice to accept and make use of this new reality.

Unfortunately, the other side of positivity is negativity - and it hard to look at one side of the coin without at least glancing at the other.  After proudly proclaiming her positivity, Sarah stumbles into the dark negativity that hangs on from her past - we will discuss this negativity in the next entry.

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